Thursday, March 23, 2017

1st Graders Play Glockenspiels

The 1st graders played the glockenspiels this week while learning about the sound opposites up and down. First, students played the glockenspiel up and down along to the poem "Hickory Dickory Dock." They were able to change different parts of the poem for each time of day.
Ms. Scott's class

Next, students learned a song called "The Sun is Rising." They learned how to play up the scale, notes "C, D, E, F, G." After they learned the song they worked in small groups to practice and then perform the song for the class.

Mrs. Greene's class

Ms. Scott's class

Monday, March 20, 2017

Kindergarteners Hatch out of Their Eggs!

Kindergarteners are learning about "Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks" this week by composers Mussorgsky and Ravel.
Here is the link to the youtube video students watched for their first listen to the piece:

Students discussed what it would be like to be a chick inside an egg ready to hatch. How would they feel? What might they do to try to break free?

Then students learned the story about Charli the chick and how he and his friends broke out of their eggs and then hid inside them again to surprise their mama and papa when they got back from the lake.

Here are some classes performing the cute version of this piece from "Fun with Composers Volume 2." We added instruments to part A and scarves to part B.

PART A= "Let me out! Let me out! Icky sticky, icky sticky, I am feeling icky sticky!
Let me out! Let me out! Icky sticky, icky sticky, I am feeling icky sticky!
Peck, peck, peck, peck, peck, peck, peck, peck, PUSH! *Repeat*

PART B= Where is my mama, where is my papa? Where is my mama, my papa? Oh there!
Quickly, oh quickly, get back in the eggshell. Quickly, oh quickly, they'll love the surprise!"


 Mrs. MacDougall's class

Ms. McCluskey's class

Friday, March 17, 2017

3rd Grade Learns Ukulele!

3rd graders started learning the ukulele this week! They will play ukulele for the next month or so in music class, learning various different chords and many fun songs!
Here is Mrs. Wilson's class performing "Three Blind Mice" using the C chord:

Friday, March 3, 2017

Hopi Basket Dance Grade 3

3rd graders learned about Native American music this week since they will be doing a Native American unit soon in their classrooms.
Students learned a Hopi Basket Dance, which is a dance to celebrate the harvest used by the Navajo Native Americans.

Here is Ms. Lantz's class performing the Hopi Basket Dance with paper plates as their baskets.

Students also learned a song called Gitsigakomim, from the Blackfoot Nation. Gitsigakomim means "I love you" or "I honor you." And Na-a means mother. After learning the song students were able to substitute "Na-a" for the name of someone or something that they would like to honor.

Gitsigakomim Na-a
Gitsigakomim Na-a
Gitsigakomim Na-a

Way ya, way ya
way ya, hey ya
way ya, hey ya
Gitsigakomim, Gitsigakomim