Friday, January 13, 2017

1st Grade Informances Feb. 7-10

The 1st graders have been busy this school year singing, dancing, playing instruments, learning about sound opposites, and much more in the music room! Mitchell School and Ms. Moon would like to invite you to the First Grade Informances, the week of February 7-10th, during your child’s music special time.

An informance is a chance for parents to see what a typical music class is like here at Mitchell School. Unlike a performance where parents see a concert that has been taught and rehearsed for months, an informance shows and informs parents what kind of activities students do in music class every week.

Students do not practice for an informance; they just show up and participate normally as they do in music. You are invited and welcome to come during your child’s first grade music time the week of February 7-10th; parents can sit and watch the class in action! (Aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. are ok too). J Adults only please.


Tuesday, February 7th:
Ms. Scott= 1:00-1:45 PM
Ms. Staulcup= 2:10-2:55 PM

Wednesday, February 8th:
Mrs. Ray= 12:05-12:50 PM
Mrs. McEachern= 2:10-2:55 PM *(Not normal music day due to another event)

Thursday, February 9th:
Mrs. Greene= 1:00-1:45 PM

Friday, February 10th:

Mrs. Dorazio= 1:00-1:45 PM *(Not normal music time due to another event)

Thursday, January 12, 2017

3rd Grade Chorus is starting!

3rd Grade CHORUS
Hello 3rd grade students and parents/guardians!
Do you love to sing? Did you have fun performing in the Winter Concert? Then join Ms. Moon in the music room for 3rd grade chorus! Chorus is similar to preparing for our winter concert but is special just for 3rd graders. Anyone in 3rd grade may join and is certainly welcome. Everyone is encouraged to try singing in chorus! Chorus will meet every Monday/Wednesday from 8:05-8:25 am from Monday, February 13th through Wednesday, May 3rd (excluding school vacations).

Below are some Frequently Asked Questions about chorus:
Will I get to perform for an audience?
- YES, definitely! Chorus will end the school year with a performance on Thursday, May 4th, at 2:30 PM in the Mitchell School gymnasium. The whole school will get to watch, as well as any 3rd grade parents that are able to attend. The chorus will also have the opportunity to perform for the Kittery School Board Committee, date TBA.
What is expected of me if I join chorus?
- Chorus members are expected to participate in all rehearsals and performances. Although chorus is a fun time for singing and dancing, it is still a class where work takes place. We must prepare for our stellar concert performances after all! J Caring and safe behavior is a must.
Do I have to get to school by 8:05 am to be in chorus?
-Yes. Doors to the school open at 8:05 am and we will begin chorus rehearsal promptly in the music room. This means you will miss school breakfast and morning recess time on Mondays and Wednesdays, but it is well worth it, and we will have a great time singing and dancing!
How do I sign up for chorus?
- Return the permission slip that was sent home on Friday, January 13th signed by your parent/guardian to Ms. Moon no later than Friday, January 20th.
I look forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Cultures Unit Grade 2

Grade 2 is doing a cultures unit in their classrooms so we are doing the same countries in music class!
Our first stop is China! Here are students doing a Chinese ribbon dance. Students also got to play the woodblocks and the Chinese gong!

Mrs. DeLuca's Class Ribbon Dance

Ms. Sallade's Class

Mrs. Downs' Class

We visited Antarctica in music and did some fun activities revolving around penguins. Students played instruments while reading rhythms during the poem "Four Little Penguins". The penguins keep counting down until all the penguins were playing underneath the ice!

Mrs. Down's Class

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Winter Snowflakes Orff Grade 2

2nd graders are learning a fun song this week called "Winter Snowflakes". They learn to play three different parts: The Orff barred instruments (xylophones and metallophones), egg shakers, and finger cymbals. On part A all students play and sing the song. On part B the student sitting at the small glockenspiel gets to improvise and play whatever he/she wants, making sure to land on note "C" to end the improvisation. Then all students rotate to the left and play a new instrument!
(Lesson idea found here, thanks O For Tuna Orff!)

Ms. Sallade's Class

Ms. Sallade's Class

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Grade K Ice Skates in Music!

Grade K students ice skated in music this week using paper plates! Students first learned about ice skating at the winter olympics and got to watch some examples. They clapped, and loved the twists, turns, and lifts! Then students ice skated using their paper plates to some famous waltzes. Students then did an olympic "speed skating" obstacle course. They weaved in and out of the cones to get an egg shaker at one end and had to shake it while skating back to the finish line. So fun!

Ms. McCluskey's Class Speed Skating

Lastly, students did an ice skating vocal game where they moved their voices like the ice skater on the screen, going up, down, and all around! Then they each got to draw their own ice skating path and followed it with their voices.