Monday, May 22, 2017

Black Snake

Kindergarteners played a game called "Black Snake" this week. A student hides pretending to be the snake and pops out to tag/"bite" someone at the end of the song. The tagged student becomes the new snake. They loved it and had it stuck in their head!

Eames' Class playing Black Snake Game

Music Share Week June 5-9

June 5th-9th, 2017
*Will be during your normal music special time in the music room.
Music Share is an opportunity for students to share something musical with their peers during music class. They can share anything musical (even a poem, skit, or dance routine!) that they have thought through and planned. They may bring in an instrument from home and store it in the music room for the day if needed, or use any of the classroom instruments we have. Usually we have enough time for each child to share one or two things.

The purpose of having a performance day is to give children an opportunity to perform in front of a small, friendly, known group and learn the etiquette of doing so; to provide a platform for sharing musical ideas and interests; and to give the rest of the class practice at being respectful audience members. Most important, performing is completely voluntary and meant to occur in a casual, stress-free environment.

Here are some ideas for your music share. Be creative! J :
-Sing a song
-Do a dance
-Recite a poem
-Show an instrument from home
-Play an instrument from school
-Create your own instrument
-Make up a dance with friends and perform
-Do a skit with friends
-Share your favorite song on Youtube
-Tell about your favorite musical, song, or singer/songwriter
-Share a memory of music class
-Choose an activity we have done in music to repeat
And much more!

If you have questions feel free to call the school or email me at
Have fun!
Sandi Moon

Ukulele Karate May

3rd graders are in the last few weeks of working on the ukulele karate curriculum. Ukulele karate is a unit I created, based on Recorder Karate, where students work individually or with a partner to earn different colored belts for completing different songs. Students are able to work at their own pace. Often at the end of class students are given the option to perform for their classmates. Below are some performances by students in the month of May.

Our first black belt of 3rd grade has been earned! Hartley's Class

Black belt earned in Normandin's Class!

Black belt earned in Normandin's Class!

A Tisket a Tasket using the C and G7 chord- Students from Wilson's Class

A Tisket a Tasket- Hartley

A Tisket a Tasket- Hartley

Do Your Ears Hang Low- Hartley

A Tisket a Tasket- Hartley

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Mallets Grade 2

2nd graders have been playing the mallets the last few weeks in music. They started off playing a 5-note scale down to the book "Old Black Fly": G, F, E, D, C.

This week they played up the scale and back down again to the book "Cockadoodle Doo! Barnyard Hullabaloo." Students play the barred instruments, egg shakers, and drums. They learned 3 different parts and rotated around the instruments after every 4 pages in the book.
JR's Class playing up and down the 5-note scale

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Carnival of the Animals 2017

1st graders have been learning about "The Carnival of the Animals" by Camille Saint Saens. The piece has 14 different musical movements and each movement is supposed to sound like a certain animal.

Ray's Class acting out the Kangaroo movement with added vocals from the Fun With Composers book

Scott's Class acting out the "Persons with Long Ears" Donkey movement by kicking on the high notes and pawing on the "Hee-Haws"