Tuesday, April 3, 2018

John Kanaka

1st graders this week are learning the Sea Shanty called "John Kanaka." They do a double circle partner dance where the inside circle rotates after each verse!

Friday, March 2, 2018

Classroom Photos

It has been a while since I posted some photos of the music room. Here are some fresh photos!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Valentine's Day Rhythm Stations

1st graders are doing Valentine's Day themed stations this week in music. Each station helps them practice their rhythms (beat, beat-t, beat-e-t-a, rest). We did 5 stations total and had lots of fun!

Mrs. Dorazio's students clapping a long rhythm

One student plays the secret Valentine rhythm and others guess what number it was.

Students roll the rhythm dice and then notate the rhythm using popsicle sticks.

Students draw a Valentine word and students decide what rhythm matches it.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Grade 2 Cultures

Grade 2 recently learned about many different cultures in their classrooms. Now they are learning about the music in those cultures in music class!

First students learned about Brazil, then Greece.

Below is a video from a Greek Children's Game we played called, in English, "Where is the Ring?" A student walks around the circle during the song and secretly drops the ring into a student's hands. Then someone must guess who has the ring.

DeLuca's Class

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Sleigh Ride Grade 1

1st graders have been learning about the American composer Leroy Anderson. He was born close by, in Cambridge, MA!

Last week we danced to Bugler's Holiday.

This week we learned a cup game to Sleigh Ride and played the rhythm sticks after.

Staulcup's Class Rhythm Sticks

McEachern's Class Rhythm Sticks

Yurick's Class Rhythm Sticks