Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Classroom Setup!

The music room is decorated and ready for students to arrive tomorrow! Here are some pictures of the room:

I decorated my stool and music stand!

We are fortunate to have a SMARTboard in the music room. 

Music room expectations: 
Make good choices
Use kind words
Show respect
Involve yourself
Care for our room and instruments

The whiteboard with "dynamics" above and musical time periods below.

Barred instruments and exit rhythms and songs.

The bulletin board in the music hallway. "Welcome Rockstars"! Each star says a verb having to do with music, such as "play", "sing", and "create".

Our new ukulele wall waiting to be filled! We hope to have ukuleles later this school year and are very excited to have some ukuleles already in the music room.

Lots of boomwhackers!

Sound opposites bulletin board in the music room.

Wonderful shelves to store musical instruments and supplies. I like using colorful bins with labels.

Lots of books to incorporate music into, stuffed animals, and tissue paper flowers!

The instruments of the orchestra grouped into families.

Tempo posters (how fast or slow the music is).

This is a movement circle made from masking tape! It's SO helpful to have the class make a quick circle, play circle games, and do lots of movement activites.

A resting spot for when a student needs a rest or some space from the activity, while still being able to watch and engage in the lesson.

The "line up" line.

View of the music room when walking in the door.

Another view of the music room.

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