Friday, January 13, 2017

1st Grade Informances Feb. 7-10

The 1st graders have been busy this school year singing, dancing, playing instruments, learning about sound opposites, and much more in the music room! Mitchell School and Ms. Moon would like to invite you to the First Grade Informances, the week of February 7-10th, during your child’s music special time.

An informance is a chance for parents to see what a typical music class is like here at Mitchell School. Unlike a performance where parents see a concert that has been taught and rehearsed for months, an informance shows and informs parents what kind of activities students do in music class every week.

Students do not practice for an informance; they just show up and participate normally as they do in music. You are invited and welcome to come during your child’s first grade music time the week of February 7-10th; parents can sit and watch the class in action! (Aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. are ok too). J Adults only please.


Tuesday, February 7th:
Ms. Scott= 1:00-1:45 PM
Ms. Staulcup= 2:10-2:55 PM

Wednesday, February 8th:
Mrs. Ray= 12:05-12:50 PM
Mrs. McEachern= 2:10-2:55 PM *(Not normal music day due to another event)

Thursday, February 9th:
Mrs. Greene= 1:00-1:45 PM

Friday, February 10th:

Mrs. Dorazio= 1:00-1:45 PM *(Not normal music time due to another event)

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